Do Unfamiliar Routes Increase Delivery Driver Wreck Risks?
Most people are more comfortable driving in areas they are familiar with. For instance, traveling the same route to and from work, your children’s schools, or regular appointments is less stressful than venturing to an unknown area because you know the terrain, road characteristics, traffic patterns, and other similar features.
Amazon, UPS, and FedEx delivery drivers may travel to several unfamiliar areas daily depending on expected package delivery dates. Does that increase the likelihood of causing traffic collisions? If the delivery driver was not trained properly or was a contractor, does that affect an insurance claim? Working with an experienced Dallas, TX delivery driver accident attorney can streamline your claims process and can maximize your compensation.
How Can Unfamiliar Areas Lead Delivery Drivers to Drive Unsafely?
When drivers know an area, they also know what to expect. This allows them to react faster in adverse travel conditions, such as a traffic jam, inclement weather, or road closures. Most drivers rely on GPS in unfamiliar areas, and arriving at your destination may be slightly delayed as a result.
Now, consider a delivery driver’s job. He or she has an assigned route for the day, with specific packages to be delivered to the right locations in a tight timeframe. Any delay can put them behind schedule, encouraging them to make up for the lost time. The tremendous pressure these drivers are under can lead to unsafe driving behaviors, especially in unfamiliar areas. Driving errors that often cause accidents include:
Dividing focus between watching traffic and consulting GPS devices
Searching for address numbers rather than watching for pedestrians or other vehicles
Braking suddenly to make an unexpected turn
Needing to drive in reverse when passing a destination
Crossing multiple lanes quickly to make the correct exit
Failing to pay close attention when backing out of driveways
Parking in inappropriate areas to make a delivery
Because the turnover rate for delivery drivers is high, new hires may not receive adequate training. This can also increase overall stress levels, making navigating unfamiliar areas more dangerous. Bad weather, poor visibility, and road conditions can compound accident risks.
Why Does It Matter if the Driver Was Not Trained Properly or Was a Contractor?
Your personal injury case typically begins with filing an insurance claim against the at-fault party or parties. In some cases, several parties share the fault, potentially including drivers, a contracted company, the logistics company, and vehicle leasing companies or owners. If you do not know who was responsible, you cannot file a claim. This is just one area where you can benefit from working with a lawyer.
Because we understand the intricate legal implications of inadequate training and vicarious liability, we know how to investigate and identify the parties responsible for causing your accident, injuries, and losses. We know how to assess your damages and put an accurate value on your case. Then, we can assist with maximizing your payout, whether by reaching a satisfactory settlement offer through negotiations or taking your case to trial.
Schedule Your Free Case Review With a Dedicated Dallas, TX Delivery Driver Accident Lawyer
If a last-mile delivery driver caused an accident that injured you, the Delivery Driver Accident Attorney, Operated by the Law Office of Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. can handle your case effectively while you recover. Contact us online or call 469-461-4870 to speak with our skilled Dallas, TX personal injury attorney.